The COLOR of your parents marriage will affect (or is already affecting) yours! In like manner, the COLOR of your marriage will affect your children's own.
Over the years, offsprings transmit along generational lines, either some good practices or malpractices in marriage. Most times, children whose fathers beat their mothers, though they hated it when they were growing up; but they later find such a vice playing a tune in their lives. How did they get such hated vice into their system? NATURE OR NURTURE?
Most likely NURTURE!
Take out time and read John 5:19 - "So Jesus explained himself at length. "I'm telling you this straight. The Son can't independently do a thing, only what he sees the Father doing. What the Father does, the Son does".
Determine to put out the best color for the generations after you!
So, may I ask you, 'Whats your family COLOR'
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