Finding the good in their spouses is a skill all couples and those in relationships must acquire. People move towards a relationship when they see they have some positive features that will benefit them. Most people will cancel relationships at the earliest sign of pain or harm. They won’t even start it off.
But once a relationship starts off, know for sure that there is something in there for both parties. This is a fact!
So why don’t couples and those in relationships go back to rediscover this benefit or good and refresh their relationships or marriages?
Thé answer is simple!
They simply lose hindsight. They fail to look back. They forget to think
One of the greatest skills that make marriages last is looking back at the events of the past! When people in relationships or marriages do this and back it up with some empathy, they will enjoy a continually refreshed status and bliss.
Find the good. Make that effort. If the good was not there you wouldn’t have dug in, in the first instance. It was because the good was there that you dug in.
You only got distracted along the way. So go ahead and rediscover your spouse. Find the good.
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