WHAT IS SPOUSAL VIOLENCE? Any abusive , violent, coercive, forceful or threatening act, word or behavior inflicted by one spouse on another constitutes spousal abuse or violence. Could range from saying unkind, demeaning words to grabbing a person’s arm, to hitting, kicking, slapping, choking and murder WHAT IS AT THE CENTER OF SPOUSAL VIOLENCE? ABUSE IS CYCLICAL IN TWO WAYS 1. It is episodic Abuse gives way Remorse gives way to Honeymoon gives way to Normalcy gives way to Tension/Irritability gives way to Full Blown Abuse 2. It is generational from NURTURE, a Learned Behavior WHAT TYPES OF SPOUSAL ABUSE ARE COMMONLY SEEN AND EXPERIENCED? PHYSICAL Use of physical force in such a way that injures or endangers. PSYCHOLOGICAL/EMOTIONAL/MENTAL Usually incorporates verbal abuse, fear causing behaviour, intimidation, threats,. It must be PERSISTENT and SIGNIFICANT to qualify as an abuse Emotional abuse aims to destroy a persons se...